Coot stew. 黒がものシチュー and my muttering to myself


(Amusing English Story)


Coot stew.






例文:A: Did you try the recipe of the 「メインのカモの料理試 した?」

Mains duck?

B: Yeah, that was really great 「うん、あれほんと美味しかった、

without the brick, course.  レンガなしでね、もちよ」



Word game!今度は、英語のセクションの方が、我慢できないぐらい長い!But, for my students of Japanese language and Culture, this section may be more usuful and fun than watching a variety TV program, the ZZZ-inducing minus iron in your system in your country. Aaa right, let’s dig in, shall we?

Im fed up with those Chirashi or チラシ in my postal box!Everyday, there are at least 7 to 9 sheets and they weigh at least 10 lbs!Its really annoyant to pick more important mail out of this garbage mountain. I sometimes accidentally toss what I shouldnt. But, thinking ab out it, this garbaging job is done by someone who may have small childen at home, waiting for mommy or daddy They may need bread, too. Right.

By the way, do you know the English word of チラシ? Dictinonary says; advertisng memos, but more real English is ad. ticklers in Japanese, くすぐり広告である!オモロイでしょう? This is an American sense of joking.

And, there emerging new proverb in Wathington District of Colombia (W. D. C.);

Weapon comes first, before human life.

Job comes first, before human justice.

(D. Trump)

Jeffry Tucker says in his writing in Trumpism: The Ideology”(by Jeffrey Tucker from Beautiful Anarchy link Jul 14, 2015)

The ideology is a 21st century version of right fascism one of the most politically successful ideological strains of 20th century politics. Though hardly anyone talks about it today, we really should. It is still real. It exists. It is distinct. It is not going away. Trump has tapped into it, absorbing unto his own political ambitions every conceivable bourgeois resentment: race, class, sex, religion, economic. You would have to be hopelessly ignorant of modern history not to see the outlines and where they end upBut as much as racialist and religious resentment is part of his rhetorical apparatus, it is not his core. His core is about business, his own business and his acumen thereofWhats distinct about Trumpism, and the tradition of thought it represents, is that it is non-leftist in its cultural and political outlook and yet still totalitarian in the sense that it seeks total control of society and economy and places no limits on state power.

My graduate teacher, Dr. Hazen, guest professor of the Sorbonne of France taught me two very important things:

1 Write in simple language,

2 Dont worry too much about pronounciation of English words, For example, he said to me,

Butter is [buta-].

This word came from the Latin and the sound is very close to your Romanized letter of ローマ字, [ブタ]. So, me should be read . Just kidding.

As my age refuses to take a rest at a life station, my new habit begans. That is, toshi no suba o yomu. or 歳の鯖(?)を読image。How would you change this old proverbial culture of human mentality into so-called English? A dictionary changes this,

Of the year cheat in counting.

This is a good translation. A real one, I like this.

When I was in 40s, I said I was 37, gojng 38 and my real age is 7, going 6 and a half in mind. Lady or ladies loved this. So did I. And, she and they said,

Youre strong, arent you?

Not me, yes, my son is.

They loved it.

The other day, a news reported one twin-engined passage air-craft landed amid of strong Yokokaze or cross wind. The video shows the pilot failed to land at the first attempt. He didnt give up and tried at the second and babely landed, but safely, all passengers in one piece. He didt get his legges brokden

I was watching that landing on TV and that remembered me about the trainings I was given by my instructor during my piloting. One time, when I landed, one of the leg gears got broken off and landed on the concrete surfaced runway

The compnays insurance covered the cost, but, surely it was death-or-life moment. I became eventually very skillful on landing in strong cross-wind. There is certain special technique to do this, the explanation of which is rather difficult in writing. Sorry. ごめん

My memo also describes about the memory of cold I caught when I was 5 or 6. We had one medical doc. down in our village. Guess what. The doctors clinic is a regular old-style house they lived in and the floor is all wooden. I was told to take my shoes off and I jumped!Cold!The floor was frozen and I had more cold!

So, my mom came up with an idea after that and she called the doc and ask for doctor on delivery, yes, just like pizza on delivery!It workded. He came up to our temple and I was nice and warm in futon bed on tatami floor, falks. The doctor seemed liking our house, too. My cold had gonaway fast!

Ralph and I wanted to have some drinks on campus. Oh, yeah, he was 24 and I was 23 and its a legal age for bourbon.

Me: I can surely use some bourbon, man.

Ralph: Oh, no, todays Sunday, right? No booze sold on Sunday.

This was and still, maybe, is the regulation of liquor retailing in the State of Illinois. Very strict religious-rooted law. So, we went out to Pizza Hut, but they didnt serve strong alcoholic drinks except beer which was classified as strong soft-drinks. Isnt it funny and great? So, the price of beer included so-called sin tax which is tax levied on alcoholic drinks. Its a sin act, falks, to drink, ha, ha, ha. All Japanese are sinful people, ha, ha, ha and ha.

If you go to Massachusetts, try visit a Springfield Museum at 21 Edwards St, Springfield. Youll find many very unique exhibitions including the Japanese arms used in the Pacific stage of the WWII. And they have good childlen museum and they will be interesting to your family, you see.

Lastly, at this time, if you really want to have a good laughter. get a book of 「ジョークなしでは生きられない」 written by Atoda Takashi, 阿刀田高. I take a liberty of translation. Its hard to go on with life without a joke. How about that? This is more real translation, is it

This book will be only weapon which beats Trump. My long blog cannot be a match. And, more, read my book, which is unfortunately not published yet, of James, Are You There?. 日本名:「ジェームス、そこにいるの?」. This will give you a whole picture of what the life in American missionary home is like. Its fun and I made a ton of mistakes, some of which are not laughable.

Now, again, who is gonna help me publish my blog in your civilized country? No? Dont you like jokes which are humorous spirit? 日本に住んでいる外人さん、アンタ、何してんの?ただ、時々、このブログを読んで寝るだけかい?出版社を探せと言うとんじゃ・・いや、ごめん、つい、つい、生まれが出ました。Yes, I am on the fouth D on the distribution scale. Im afraid you need a piece of knowledge of statistical inference theory to understand what I am saying. Have a nice day.again. I’m going to futon.

Author of this blog: M. James. Maeda of 「浦嶋ビジネス英会話インターネット道場」http//

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