
雨の日にキノコを触ると頭がはげる、まつ毛を1本抜けば望みがかなう(全部抜いてもまだかなわない者もいた、首の後ろにほくろ(mole)のある女の子は美人になるなどがある。今でも、アメリカ北東部(the Boston area)では、イボ(wart)をトウモロコシの粒でこすって、その粒を外に投げて、それをニワトリが食べればイボが消えるというのもある。トウモロコシの嫌いな鳥はいないはずだが、そのためにニワトリを買う家族もいたと言うが(This is my own assumption, folks)、イボの方はそう簡単には消えてくれない。



Oh! For the heaven sake, please, dont do that me!





最後にこれは是非読者に試みてほしいものだが、しゃっくり(hiccup)を治すには、舌を出来るだけ突き出して、そのまま10数える。これは効きます。ただし人が見てる時にやると思わぬ結果になるかも知れませんが、私としてはその責任は持てません。日本だと、「ワッ」と驚かせば治ると言われている。これをアメリカ人に言うと、Then, please try it on me.(じゃ、やってみてよ)と言われて「ワッ」をやってあげたが一向に効き目が無かった。英語人に日本語はダメだと知った。


Made-in-U. S. A. vs Made-in-Japan

 This issue once became a big issue. When I went to the Univ. of Illinoise as a foreign student to wash dishes in 1965, yunks said,

 Japan is still in a stone age and they dont know how to make a thing.


 They had a point at that time. Back in the early 1960s, Japanese manufacturing capability was very low and Nissanthat time, the company was called Datsun, tried to run on the high way in Nevada State. The car didnt go through the state to the boarder because of the engine burned out and stopped in the middle of deseart. It was call Japs toy car. 何と言う屈辱!

 The Japanese weapons used druing the Pacific War, Yunkie called it Toy Tank and American cannon shell easily go through the cheap iron shield of the tanks. The engine was smaller and weaker than the American Ford car! 何と言う屈辱!

 Believe or not, to the readers of this blog, I am still using the pots and pans I bought in the States more than sixty-years ago. They are made to last and the quality is much better than these French fansy kitchen utencils. Knives are best made to last and they keep sharpness much longer than the present Japan-made Hochoh. 何と言う屈辱か!

 Japanese people seem to feel very proud of the achievement made by Hayabusa which reached and brought back a specles from Kaguya(hime) moon, but in space technology, America, EU and for that matter up-coming China are way ahead of Japan. The vaccine for the killer virus, Covid-19, has been not made by Japanese farmacutical firms yet because they dont know how to make it. 何と言う屈辱か!

 When I was hospitalized in Hyogo-ken. I was given several exams by which were done by all foregin-made machines. Japanese technology was not high enough to manufacture these advanced medical exam machines. 何と言う屈辱か!

 Lastly, I am still using a mag(cup) for my hot drinks which I bought in Chicago back in 1966. The cup is made to last and keeps the heat of the drinks, coffee, tea, whatnot stay hot very long, much longer than cheap Japanese cups.

 Next to last, the present Japanese information-digital technology and knowhow is the next to the buttom in ranking of the world. We know, now know it, right? The technology and knowhow of information analysis and handling in Japan is desparately underdeveloped and it hasnt change since the last war. Japan didnt believe in the value of information of the enemies. Seishin ittoh nanigoto ka narazaran.など言う、A級戦犯に300万人の日本人が死んだ。何と言う屈辱か!

 Enough for accusing our own country. Shape up, Japan.!

Author of this blog: M. James. Maeda of 「浦嶋ビジネス英会話インターネット道場」http//urashimamaeda.wordpress.com

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