Wampum. ワンパム and Koyasan’s dialect of bead!


(Amusing English Story)



 もうアメリカでは使われなくなった貨幣。これはアメリカ先住民が使っていた貝殻で作った貨幣のことである。意味は、「白い糸」、white stringで、アルゴンキン族(Algonquian Indian)の言葉である。この貝殻の貨幣はビー玉(bead)で作られていた。白いものと黒い、または紫色のがあった。白いものはより価値が高かった。このインディアン部族は、今でもアメリカの東部やカナダに住む。

Note: ビー玉とは、玩具の一種。ガラス製の球で、主に遊戯用・観賞用に用いる。image通常のサイズは1.5 – 5センチメートル程度。単色のものや、中に模様の入ったもの、大きい玉、小さい玉といろいろな種類がある。無色透明のものもある。


Hey, speak English?

“…..Yes, we do, but not much.




How many wanpums is that?



例文: Westerns once described Indians as the only good Indian is a dead Indian. (The American Pageant)


If a child lives with encouragement, he learns confidence.

もし子供が励まされて育つと、自信を学ぶものである。 (インディアンの諺)

If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice.

もし子供が公平に育てられると、正義を学ぶものである。 (インディアンの諺)



Koyasans dialect of bead

My (first) cousins living in Tezukayama of the big city of Osaka often visited us and likewise, we, three brothers did the same to their home during school breaks. They are city kids and very interested in our temple which existed in a jerk town. And we all had enough excitement with mountains, rice fields, birds, insects, rabbits and there were a plenty of fruits like peach, persimmon, water melon, berries and so on we grow in our temple garden.

They were very excited with harvesting potatos and sweet potatoes by digging out of our field.

So, we often played for hours with so-called kacchin. This was the dialect of Beh-dama, which is in English bead. This game very popular among kids in our village was to compete by tossing bead toward a handful number of bead spread on the ground. If hit, the boy could keep it. The name of the game, kacchin or カッチン was derived from the noise when hit a bead with a bead.

By the way, the plural form, beads means Jyuzu, which my grandfather had and used for Buddha service and ritual.

PEACE on world, folks

Author of this blog: M. James. Maeda of 「浦嶋ビジネス英会話インターネット道場」http//urashimamaeda.wordpress.com

カテゴリー: Amusing English Story パーマリンク
