日本の読者のアンタは正義を貫いて自宅にレンガを投げ込まれたことはありますか? ―Have you, Japanese readers, been thrown a piece of brick into your house because you insisted your justice? And I don’t apologize.


(Amusing English Story)


―Have you, Japanese readers, been thrown a piece of brick into your house because you insisted your justice?

Yes, I have had. The picture of my article posted in a newspaper was the triger of some American people’s anger. The newspaper received about 9,300 letters from image Some article readers on this and 93% of them said my article made sense and fair. But, out of this, a few percent reacted violently and physically protested against me. They obviously desided to use sword instead pen. This was not an act of democracy. Isee American.

Now, a similar problem is that Mr.Trump is trying to press the Japanese consumers to buy the cars made in America, again. I will post the protest I made back in 1992 on the Democrat & Chronicle Newspaper in the States when “Papa Bush” started bushing Japan on car issue, again. That’s not the fair problem solution. Competition is a fair act and help the American industry improve their skill and mind and eventually job performance. Their short temper exploded again under Trump.


Sorry, I don’t know how to put the article in enlarged and clear. Please, ask Micro Soft for this. One click doesn’t do it, I guess. Have a good one.

imageAuthor of this blog: M. James. Maeda of 「浦嶋ビジネス英会話インターネット道場」http//urashimamaeda.wordpress.com

カテゴリー: Amusing English Story パーマリンク
